
Showing posts from 2020

Our Healthcare Workers

 Over 1200 healthcare workers have died from Covid-19. This is devastating the healthcare industry that already is short on staff, and devoid of anyone wanting to go into the field. Aids/HIV started the spiral down and now this virus will seal the faith of the industry because no one wants to take on an industry that doesn't protect their own. Or lacks the means to protect their workers. It is clear the industry didn't, but it's also clear our own Government didn't protect them either. 
 We have had people to devote their whole lives to gather the facts together for science, math, civics, law, religion, and a host of other fields too many to mention. Think about a teaching moment with your own children, and now think about those facts being based only on a political party instead of science, math, civics, US history, religion, etc. 

A State of Emergency

 A week ago, in a strictly party-line vote, the court’s 4-3 Republican majority voted to strike down a 75-year-old law because Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had used it to declare a state of emergency to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Yes, you read that right: The state Supreme Court declared that Whitmer cannot use the same tools every other governor has deployed to fight the virus, which has already killed 7,200 Michiganders and is once again exploding. 

Steve Schmidt: What Do You Really Think?

  Trump tried to go after former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt. In a boastful tweet, Trump wrote, “I’ve beaten him and his very few remaining clients so much, and so badly, that he has become a blathering idiot.” But Trump had stepped on a land mine and Schmidt unloaded on the failed president and his administration: “You’ve never beaten me at anything. This is our first dance. Did you like, Covita? We are so much better at this than your team of crooks, wife beaters, degenerates, weirdos and losers. You are losing. We heard you loved Evita. You saw it so many times. Where will you live out your years in disgrace? Will you buy Jeffrey Epstein’s island? One last extra special deal from him? Or will you be drooling on yourself in a suite at Walter Reed? Maybe you will be in prison? I bet you fear that. The Manhattan District Attorney may not be around to cover for you or your crooked kids anymore. Eliza Orlins doesn’t believe in different sets of rules for the Trumps. What about t
  So let's see if I can explain this to you guys ... Say you are McConnell and you are in bed with the president, but you are also in bed with one or more Corporations that are trying their best to rig the Feds and the United States so they can get rich.  You have been planning this for decades. What would you do? People have to stay poor so they will work harder. A little less educated because anymore educated they are not going to sit idle for long making pennies on the dollar while you get rich, and while you trash the US and take their rights away, and blame any hardships on the public.   Got to get a hold of the women too so you make it difficult for them to get equality. Keep their pay as low as possible.   Trash the hell out of BLM.  You need cash, not mouth, you need a fat bank account so get rid of the Unions and set up so even their 401(k)s are lousy but it's the best they are going to get and they know it.  Keep them desperate and always asking, but yo


"Fascism in the United States is an ideology based on power, loyalty, and fear of the Other. Where the "other" is defined either ethnically, nationality, or by religion and the leader so called represents the people, or "us" but in reality, represents a different people.

Wear the Damn Mask


This is Why They Riot

One of Many Protest after the needless death of George Floyd on Memorial Day 2020 Speaking on racism... It is too late for them to be claiming they are innocent to the racist remarks coming from a racist lips. The excuse of that is how they were raised doesn't cut it anymore.  Plenty time over the decades to teach that racism is wrong and yet still everyone says we need to teach people on how not to be racist. 

Covid-19 is The Perfect Virus

We couldn't have been hit with a more perfect type of virus than the Covid-19.   It has disrupted lives. Trashed the economy. Made world leaders front and center trying to fight back the ill and death it has caused, and then it opened them up to scrutiny for good and bad decisions they made. Then Covid-19 showed the world who the fools were and who were the humanitarians. It showed the hearts of men and the lack of. But it also showed us who was educated enough to handle the crisis created by Covid-19


What makes a country a great country? Is it great because the people have jobs? Have their necessities met or available?  Or is it because they get to vote?  Is it because they have an education?   Or have a Doctor available if they are sick? Is freedom and democracy the major part of a great country?  What parts of America make it great? What parts don't make it great?

Who Really are You Voting For? Why?

Samual Adams said; don't vote to please an individual. You are executing one of the most solemn trust in human society for which you are accountable to God and your country.