Our America Indians Should be Able to Vote

I went looking at what was going on with our America Indian lands across the US not able to vote.

The US has treaties with them dating back to right around the day America was born. Many treaties were to protect the Indians from abuse by the States by making Indian land theirs and that NO state has a right to encroach on their land or make laws against the Indians or their land.
While tribal sovereignty is limited today by the United States under treaties, acts of Congress, Executive Orders, federal administrative agreements and court decisions, what remains is nevertheless protected and maintained by the federally recognized tribes against further encroachment by other sovereigns, such as the states. Tribal sovereignty ensures that any decisions about the tribes with regard to their property and citizens are made with their participation and consent. The other party is the Federal Government BIA.

So if I am right what this means is if the Indians set up their own addresses throughout their lands and then set up their own voting system the States can't do a damn thing about it. I don't believe they ever expected the Indians wanting to vote so nothing was put in place so they could. I have found nothing on this. Plus I don't believe the States can even touch their ballots during Presidential elections. Their ballots have to be turned over to the Federal office called BIA or Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washing DC and counted there. How they get there I don't know. But the States have no say so over them period.

I just know this will cause a stink coming from the States because they will have no power over this. You have to admit though not only is it funny as hell because the States till now have claimed "No damn Indian will be voting in their State living on a Reservation." 
Show me the proof they can't vote if they set it up! There is no proof!

They can't Stop Them!

Even with that tidbit I still say the Native Americans have full control over their own elections and NOT the states. You can't force the reservations to vote your way if you don't have power over them, and the States have NONE.

But, they are trying! 

The Snyder Act of 1924 admitted Native Americans born in the U.S. to full U.S. citizenship. Though the Fifteenth Amendment, passed in 1870, granted all U.S. citizens the right to vote regardless of race, it wasn't until the Snyder Act that Native Americans could enjoy the rights granted by this amendment.

Even with the passing of this citizenship bill, Native Americans were still prevented from participating in elections because the Constitution left it up to the states to decide who has the right to vote. After the passage of the 1924 citizenship bill, it still took over forty years for all fifty states to allow Native Americans to vote. For example, Maine was one of the last states to comply with the Indian Citizenship Act, even though it had granted tax paying Native Americans the right to vote in its original 1819 state constitution. As reported by Henry Mitchell, a resident of that state, Native Americans were prevented from voting in Maine in the late 1930s.

So this is the same farce that the States give/hand out to black people.  OH NO! we are not discriminating against you! OH NO! we don't discriminate against anyone that isn't white.  Yet here we are still waiting for these tribes to be able to vote.  Same for our black men and women too.  and you are pushing your whiteness and telling the Natives you can't vote after they drive 150 miles to a prescient. If that isn't voter suppression then what is?  and that Native American should have been given a water and helped to the ballot because of the strength they showed in the importance to be there and vote.  But I guess the Native American was out for a joy ride.   

So as far as I can see the Native lands need only to set up addresses for the people living on Native American land and they should be able to vote after everyone signs up on the Reservations.  Have any Issues?  Take the complaints to the Federal Government and to the News Media.  I don't care what laws the States Have they don't have authority over Indian lands. Word is also that the States claim it is hard to set up brand new addresses. Really?  They did it for the whole USA! Even more reason to leave them out of it.  

Oh and here is a little bit of advice for our fellow Native Americans.  ...


 This other thing will piss a few off.  I really believe too that the Native Americans should have someone representing them in Congress.   as a matter of fact they should have one or two in Congress per their area. Depending if they have a Chief or not. If they do then they must have a Rep in Congress. 

come on people we don't live in the dark ages, and we sure need to be looking after our fellow Native people.  They were here long before any of your blood was. 

and NO I still don't believe their land needs to dissolve if they vote or have representation.  Give me a break people they deserve the love. Stop trying to put obstacles in their way! 

AN ACT Relating to enacting the Native American voting rights act1of  Washington;  amending  RCW 29A.08.010, 29A.08.112, 29A.08.123,229A.08.310,  and 29A.40.160;  adding  a  new  section  to chapter 29A.403RCW; and adding a new section to chapter 29A.84 RCW.4BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON


While 84 percent of the U.S. population lives in urban areas, many Native Americans and Alaska Natives live in rural communities that lack residential addresses. Homes are usually described in terms of landmarks, crossroads, and directions. Numerous roads on reservations are unimproved dirt or gravel roads in poor quality and are often unnamed. After storms, many roads are impassable. Due to these poor conditions, the U.S. Postal Service does not deliver mail to the majority of the reservation residents at their homes.

Hell I lived on a dirt road and I can tell you the Postman didn't miss a beat on delivering the mail rain or shine, snow or sleet and even tornado. and back then the post office didn't supply vehicles. Hard to deliver? Set up mini mail box areas so the people don't have to drive 100 miles to the mailbox. 

Beginning July 1, 1863, free mail delivery was authorized in cities where income from local postage was more than sufficient to pay all expenses of the service.1  Within a year, free delivery of mail by salaried letter carriers was offered in 65 cities nationwide.  By 1880, free delivery was offered in 104 cities, and by 1900, in 796 cities. 

Free mail delivery to rural Americans began experimentally in 1896 out of three Post Offices in West Virginia; within a year 44 routes were underway in 29 states.  The service proved enormously popular and was declared permanent in 1902.  The number of rural carriers climbed from fewer than 500 carriers in 1899 to more than 32,000 carriers in 1905. As a rule, rural carriers have always delivered mail to their customers once a day, six days a week.  A very small percentage of customers in sparsely settled regions have received tri-weekly service, getting mail every other day.

and yet for Indian lands 122 years is NOT enough time to sort out a means to get mail to the people living on Indian Reservations. 

really? /rolls eyes I guess you in the wrong job. I would fire your damn ass. I call your bluff, and raise you one kick in that ass of yours you have had 122 years to sort this out now get to work!  I give you one year to fix your damn mess. 


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